How to Navigate Weight Loss on a Vegetarian Diet

Whether going vegetarian is your New Year’s resolution or you want to try out meatless Mondays, eating a plant-based diet can be a challenge in the beginning. Moving toward a more plant based diet can be healthy for individuals and beneficial to the environment. However, if you don’t go in with a strategy, you may find yourself eating worse than you did before or feeling like you’re going hungry. Here are a few ways you can continue your weight loss journey while on a vegetarian diet: 

Eat Whole Foods

Nutrient-dense whole plant-based foods should be the core of your vegetarian diet. In order to lose weight, you need to make sure you’re getting enough protein. Sources like beans, quinoa, seeds and nuts all contain different types of protein that can help you meet your protein requirements. While plant-based sources like tofu, tempeh and seitan can supplement your protein intake, focusing on whole foods as the main source of protein is your best bet. 

Look for Nutrients Over Calories

Most of the food you eat should work toward helping you reach your health and weight loss goals. Some of the food that has more nutrients will also have more calories and carbohydrates. If you’re on a vegetarian diet, there’s no reason to be afraid of calories or carbs. Go for the higher carb, more nutrient dense whole foods, and you won’t crave the processed alternatives. 

Focus on Adding Foods

Rather than thinking about all the foods you’re no longer eating, figure out what new possibilities are opening up for you. Vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains can make you feel better while you continue your weight loss journey. Find new ways to make foods you didn’t always appreciate, like roasting vegetables or cooking rice with vegetable stock. Try new types of salads you’ve never had with different vegetables, salad dressing and more. You’ll find delicious, nutritious new foods that you love in no time. 

Swap Fats for Spices

Olive oil can be a great source of nutrients and healthy fat, especially uncooked. However, not everything needs to be cooked in oil, butter or cheese to taste good. Find out which spices go well with what you’re eating. In many cases, you can double the spices you would usually use while cutting back on the fat. You may even discover new spices or spice blends that you want to put on everything.

Consult a Nutritionist

If you’re struggling to find the energy you need or reach your weight loss goals on a vegetarian diet, talk to a nutritionist. See if they can help you find what’s missing. Everyone’s weight loss journey is different, and what works for some others may not work for you.

In the new year, you’ve made a choice for your health, and it can be a great part of your weight loss journey. I encourage any patients planning a big diet change to consult a nutritionist. Once you’ve found the diet that works best for you, remember that food is there to nourish you. Keep up the good work, and enjoy this new year as a new you!