As a person carrying excess weight, you may feel like food is the enemy. After all, isn’t food what got you here in the first place? Thinking this way can lead to a host of mental issues, from anxiety and depression to disordered eating. Part of being healthy is embracing food for its intended purpose: … Continue reading How to Build a Better Relationship with Food
In today’s hustle culture, sleep is one of the most undervalued aspects of health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 3 adults in the United States have reported not getting enough rest or sleep every day. This can be for any number of reasons, but one of the most … Continue reading 6 Strategies for Sleeping Better at Night
The new year is here. It’s time to recenter and refocus on achieving your goals. The trick is making it last after the initial rush of joining the gym and learning to meal prep. How’s this year going to be different from previous years? Here are some tips for starting the new year right: Set … Continue reading 5 Healthy Ways to Start the Year Off Right
Anyone who opts for bariatric surgery knows it’s not the “easy way” to lose weight. It involves an intensive process before, during and after surgery to ensure that you get the results you’re looking for. Whatever path you take to losing weight, the goal once you lose it is to keep it off while staying … Continue reading Understanding the Importance of a Cohesive Post-Op Strategy
When people talk about physical activity, they often paraphrase Newton’s first law: an object in motion will stay in motion, and vice versa. This may feel like a cliche, but it’s repeated so often because it’s true. Once you get moving, keeping up with physical activity becomes easier and easier. And the benefits of physical … Continue reading 5 Ways Physical Activity Benefits Your Mental Health
Take your vitamins. Exercise every day. Drink your water. When you’re looking to get healthier, two main themes emerge: diet and exercise. However, it takes more than eating well and getting up and moving to maintain your health. Recovery is as important as doing the work. That’s where sleep comes in. While you sleep every … Continue reading Why You Need to Focus On Sleep for Overall Wellness
In 2003, a group of men began a movement called Movember, where men would grow and wear mustaches in the month of November to raise awareness about men’s health. Now a global movement, Movember focuses on issues that disproportionately impact men, such as suicide and other mental health challenges, and male-specific issues like prostate cancer … Continue reading How Men Can Be More Mindful of Their Health in Movember
Even if you have a strong support system in your family, interacting with them can be stressful. Family stress comes from many different sources, and it often impacts our lives in ways we don’t realize. One of those ways is through our eating habits. When you tend to turn to food in times of stress, … Continue reading How Family Stress Can Lead to Mindless Eating
Stress is known as a ‘silent killer,’ and for good reason. When your body overproduces cortisol, the stress hormone, it impacts your body in a variety of ways. In the short term, the stress leads to more stress. In the long term, it can lead to serious health complications like hypertension. Managing stress is essential … Continue reading Understanding the Many Ways Stress Impacts Your Life