Revision Surgery

Dr. Hodges performs laparoscopic revision on all prior bariatric surgeries, which includes bands, sleeves, gastric bypasses, and older stomach stapling procedures (i.e., VBG).

Band Revision

Dr. Hodges performs band revision surgery in a single stage. She has found that patients will lose more weight and typically have less issues with swallowing and reflux by converting to a bypass or duodenal switch rather than a sleeve. At your consultation, however, Dr. Hodges will discuss all options available to you. Together you can plan for the best revision option for you!

Band Revision Surgery, Charlotte Hodges, MD

Sleeve Revision

Dr. Hodges is performing more sleeve revisions as these surgeries have become more popular. Patient typically are interested in sleeve gastrectomy revision if:

Patients can be revised to a gastric bypass or duodenal switch. At your intial consultation, Dr. Hodges will discuss all options available to you. Patients will tend to lose between 60% and 70% of their excess body weight after a sleeve gastrectomy revision.

Sleeve Revision Surgery, Charlotte Hodges, MD

Gastric Bypass Revision

Gastric Bypass Revision, Charlotte Hodges, MDThe gastric bypass has been performed since the late 1960s. Dr. Hodges has performed many laparoscopic revisions on former open and laparoscopic bypass patients. For best results, your stomach pouch is reduced in size, and your small bowel is rearranged (similar to a duodenal switch). Since older bypass operations were created a bit different than today, you will need additional work up prior to your surgery. Dr. Hodges will perform an EGD to determine the size of your original pouch. From there, Dr. Hodges will make a personalized surgical plan to ensure the best results of your revision bypass surgery. Typically, patients can lose 65-75% of their excess body weight after revision surgery.