Month: December 2018

How To Make A New Year’s Resolution That Sticks

By: Danielle Houston, RDN, LD Ask anyone in the United States–and possibly the world–and they will tell you that the month of January is associated with new beginnings and New Year’s resolutions. But when it comes to resolutions, there are things that are helpful as well as unhelpful. Additionally, people who have had bariatric surgery … Continue reading How To Make A New Year’s Resolution That Sticks

The Struggle is Real!

By Dr. Charlotte Hodges The Obesity Action Collation (OAC) is a non-profit organization of nearly 60,000 members. Their mission is “to elevate and empower those affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support.” The core focus of the organization is to: • raise awareness and improve access to the prevention and treatment of obesity • … Continue reading The Struggle is Real!