How to Eat Mindfully During the Holidays

The holidays are here, and with them, all of your favorite holiday foods. When you’re on a weight loss journey, the holidays feel different. Eating holiday foods can fill you with guilt, rather than the joy they once brought you. You may be so preoccupied with avoiding certain foods that it gets in the way of the spirit of the holiday season. It’s possible to enjoy the holidays — and even some of those foods — by being more mindful of your eating habits. Here’s how you can do just that. 

Stay Hydrated

During the winter, you may struggle to stay hydrated because cold water is no longer appealing. If this is a challenge for you, heat up your water, and focus on warm drinks to keep you hydrated. Dehydration can make us feel hungry when water is what our bodies really need. If you’re feeling hungry, and it hasn’t been that long since your last meal, boil some water, or make some herbal tea. Take small sips, and see if this drink can hold you over until mealtime.

Continue Meal Planning

You’re probably surrounded by food of all kinds, and you could be tempted to make meals using just the leftovers. However, this isn’t a great way to get the nutrients you need. Continue meal planning over the holidays, and if you’re worried about wasting food, include your leftovers in the meal plan. Make sure you’re getting everything you need to feel full and have the energy you need to get through the holiday season. 

Practice Portion Control

One of the main challenges of holiday meals is wanting to try everything without overeating. If you want to try everyone’s cooking, take a little bit of each item to make a reasonable portion. Consider how much you would eat on a normal day, and make the portions you’re eating on the holidays match that. You’ll feel much better after eating mindfully by controlling your portions. 

Stay Active 

Between family movie nights and fireplace chats, you may wonder when you can make time for exercise. However, staying active is as important during the holiday season as it is the rest of the year. Exercising consistently will lessen your stress, reducing your cravings for holiday sweets. If you’re not sure when you’ll have time, consider waking up early for a daily walk or run. If you have company, see if they would be interested in joining you. A walk or run, by yourself or with others, can help you destress as you work toward your weight loss goals. 

Holidays can be as magical as ever when you’re on a weight loss journey. By being mindful of your eating habits during the holiday season, you allow yourself to continue improving and getting closer to reaching your goals. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and remember, you’ve got this!